Walking in crisis time
Each year since Jane and I founded ZANE in 2002/3, I used to think that surely things can’t get worse for the destitute people of Zimbabwe. This year, more than any other, the situation has deteriorated to breaking point.
Rampant and growing inflation, chronic fuel shortages, 18-hour daily
power cuts, escalating food prices and a shortage of medical supplies are the new normal. Just one of these would be hard enough to contend
with for ZANE’s beneficiaries, but this combination is today a vortex of
desperation, fear and panic.
ZANE’s staff and beneficiaries tell us that conditions are even worse than
those in 2008/9. The demand for ZANE’s help is greater
than ever.
This is why Jane and I, and our dog, Moses, are walking again for ZANE.
We walk to replace hunger with food, to replace fear with hope for those
with nowhere else to turn.
We walk because we know, with your support, ZANE can make a vital
difference. Your generosity is saving lives.
If you have already sponsored us for ZANE’s work, thank you. Your donation is already bringing comfort to those who need it most. If you
haven’t, please do so.
Thank you
Yours sincerely,
Tom Benyon OBE
Dear Tom,
I notice you were an English teacher in one of your incarnations, and I am therefore writing to ask you to teach the staff at your HQ the proper use of English. I plead guilty to being a pedant, but I have just made a donation via your telephone number and the polite (I presume young( lady who took the call told me she “thanked yourself for the donation”
I think today’s improperly educated youngsters believe this is a polite way to speak. I know this is a losing. battle, but it would be one small victory if you gently explained to those in your charge that this is incorrect, and that the use of “you” and “me” is not only acceptable, it is actually correct.
This “yourself and myself” way of speaking is driving me nuts…. But if I am nuts, so be it!
Best wishes and success in your wonderful work in Zimbabwe
Sheila McNamara
Dear Sheila (If I might)
I am sorry that you were dealt with ungramatically by our agency answering service.
There is little I can do about it because they are in Swindon and I am in Oxford and I think we are both stuck with it! Sorry!
My hates are “no worries”, “sort of”, “I mean” and “I know” and “have a nice day” to which the only answer can be “No, I have made other plans!”
Then how about “take care” to which I always reply: “no, please take a risk!”
Many thanks for your generosity and your kind support for ZANE
Best wishes
Take care!
It is a privilege to come to know you in the context of St Mary, Swinbrook, and to share a recent high five!
I look forward to learning more.
This comes with blessings and appreciations